Miso Soup

A classic Japanese soup that is better when made from scratch and easy to prepare.


  • 1/4 cup dried wakame
  • 1/4 cup white miso paste (shirt miso)
  • 6 cups dashi*
  • 1/2 lb. soft or medium tofu cut into 1/2 in. cubes
  • Sliced scallions
  • Baby Bella mushroom sliced razor thin

*Dashi is a mild Japanese sea stock that serves as the base in many Japanese dishes.


  • Soak wakame in cold water for 15 minutes and then drain.
  • Heat the dashi over med-low heat and add the miso paster. Stir to combine.
  • Add the tofu and reconstituted wakame, simmer briefly and remove from heat.
  • Dish the soup into bowls and top with scallions and mushrooms.
Shiro Miso

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